I got the strap when I did the review I posted here, but it is not the one used for the review. It was an alternate strap in a similar color (but not quite, this is more of an oxblood than a dark brown). It has never been worn, never been fitted to a watch, nothing. It has just been waiting for you.
To enter, just click on the entry box below and follow the simple steps. A winner will be drawn after midnight December 24, 2016. Yes, it is Christmas Eve and the first night of Hanukkah. If you are the lucky winner, Santa Bum will drop it down your chimney. Well, you know, metaphorically.
You must provide a valid email address for notification and must respond within 48 hours of contact or another winner will be chosen, so be sure to watch your spam filter.
Please read the full Terms and Conditions on the Giveaway page for details.mehr sehen uhren schweiz und Replica Rolex Daytona